Aftermarket Parts
Automotive replacement
parts that were not made by the original equipment manufacturer.
The process of
drying fully during exposure to air at normal temperatures.
Alternate Term's):
Basecoat ( BC
) / Clear
A paint system
in which the color effect is given by a highly pigmented basecoat. Gloss
and durability are given by a subsequent clear coat.
A heavy metal platform
used to restore a vehicle's structural geometry to factory specifications.
This is done by securing a portion of the vehicle to the platform, then
pulling appropriate areas of the vehicle into place using special clamps,
chains and hydraulic winches.
Alternate Term(s):
Frame Rack, Frame Machine
Term used to describe
an item replaced due to an accident that has some wear. The practice is
often applied to tires and batteries that are several years old. If a battery
has used up 3/4 of its life, the Insurance company will pro-rate the item’s
cost and in this case will pay 1/4 of the cost to replace the battery and
will ask the insured or claimant to pay the remaining 3/4. he premise being
that the Insurance Company is only obligated to return the vehicle to its
pre-accident condition.
Chip Guard
A chip resistant,
protective coating normally applied to lower panels to avoid sharp stones
etc. chipping the paint finish.
The removal of
paint from a substrate by means of impact of sharp stones etc.
Clear or Clear
The clear coat
imparts gloss and protection to a basecoat clear coat system. It is essentially
a pigment-free paint.
A single layer
of paint on a surface.
The action of using
an abrasive polishing material either by hand or by machine.
Alternate Term(s):
Degradation of
the metal substrate by oxidation. That is the formation of an oxide layer
on the metal surface. This process requires that the metal surface be exposed
to oxygen, and is favored in the presence of water. In the case of iron
and steel, corrosion is often referred to as rusting.
The removal from
the substrate of contaminants which would otherwise give rise to surface
defects and performance failures. E.g. poor adhesion.
Final cleaning
both inside and outside of vehicle, application of pinstripes, removal
of overspray from under hood, trunk lids etc. as well as polishing
Direct Gloss
( DG )
A topcoat paint
which contains pigment and resin, and gives the required gloss level without
the need of the application of a clear coat. A DG Paint film has good weathering
and durability characteristics.
Acronym for Direct
Repair Program. These programs often involve a contractual agreement between
an Autobody Repair Center and an Insurance Company. For the most part,
the agreements set the rules of repair and standardized procedures such
as warranties, billing practices and record keeping.
The process of
change of a coating from the liquid to the solid state by evaporation of
solvent, chemical reaction of the binding medium, or a combination of these
processes. When drying takes place during exposure to air at normal temperatures,
it is called 'air-drying'; if it can be accelerated by the application
of a moderate degree of heat it is called 'Force-drying' (or Low-bake),
as distinct from High-bake.
Alternate Term(s):
Binder, Air-drying, Force-drying, Stoving, Low-bake, High-bake
A term denoting
a complete panel repair as opposed to a touch-up or spot repair.
Alternate Term(s):
Spot repair
A topcoat paint
which forms a film by chemical cross linking of its component molecules
during the cure.
Acronym for Front
End Alignment. Generally appears as a line item on a repair estimate or
repair order. It will sometimes be accompanied by 4-W or 4-Wheel alignment.
This simply means that the vehicle needs to have all wheels aligned.
The degree to which
a painted surface possesses the property of reflecting light in a mirror-like
Hazardous Waste
Any unusable by-product
derived from the repair and/or painting process that cannot be disposed
of through normal waste disposal streams. These products can be potentially
harmful to the environment and require special handling as well as professional
disposal. Federal, State and Local laws apply and may differ in their scope.
Acronym for Like
Kind and Quality. Refers to a used part salvaged from another vehicle.
It is inspected by the seller and re-inspected by the shop upon receipt
and accepted if it is deemed appropriate.
Temporary covering
of areas not to be painted.
A term used for
finishes incorporating fine metallic particles, usually aluminum, in the
A naturally occurring
mineral, based on silica, which after treatment, is used as an effect pigment
in coatings. Their special property is that light falling on a mica particle,
depending on the angle of illumination, reflects the light with a change
in color. Because of this they are sometimes referred to as pearls.
Alternate Term(s):
Motor manufacturer's
An undercoat system
applied by the manufacturer to the metal surface of a commercial vehicle
or to new automobile panel parts to give protection during transit, storage,
etc. and which, depending on its type, age and condition, may be able to
support the finishing system. It may consist of more than just a simple
primer coat.
Alternate Term(s):
OE Primer
See "Mica".
Alternate Term(s):
The coloring matter
in paint. A pigment is different from a dye in that a pigment is insoluble
in the media in which it is used.
The process of
washing, degreasing and lightly abrading a panel prior to applying paint.
Alternate Term(s):
Prep Work
The chemical treatment
of unpainted metal surfaces before painting, for enhanced adhesion and
corrosion resistance.
The first layer
of a coating system. Applied to an unpainted surface. Its' role is to protect
the substrate and to prepare it for the application of a surface or topcoat.
It must therefore have above all, excellent adhesion to the substrate and
to the coating which will follow.
An undercoat which
improves the adhesion of the topcoat, and which seals old painted surfaces
that have been sanded.
A pigmented composition
which acts as a primer and at the same time has filling properties such
that it may be sanded to provide a smooth surface for the color coat that
is to follow.
A plastic material
with a high mineral filler content - used for filling deep holes or wide
Acronym for Remove
and Install. Refers to a part removed from the customer's damaged vehicle
to be saved and reinstalled after the repair has been completed.
Acronym for Remove
and Replace. Refers to a part removed from the customer's damaged vehicle
that cannot be acceptably repaired. It is replaced with a new part.
Repair Authorization
The point at which
a Consumer authorizes the repair to their vehicle (and in some cases contingent
upon the Insurance Company settlement process).
Rubbing compound
An abrasive paste
that smoothes and polishes paint films.
Alternate Term(s):
Polishing compound
An abrasive process
used to level a coated surface prior to the application of a further coat.
Alternate Term(s):
An undercoat which
improves the adhesion of the topcoat, and which seals old painted surfaces
that have been sanded.
Solid color
A coating which
contains colored pigments only, i.e., does not contain pigments such as
aluminums and micas.
A liquid, usually
volatile, which is used to reduce viscosity. This is essential in both
manufacturing and application processes. Solvents evaporate during application
and drying of paint and therefore do not become a part of the dried film.
In conventional coatings the solvents are organic compounds (Alcohols,
Esters and Ketones) whilst in waterborne systems there is a mix of organic
solvents with water.
The uncoated/unpainted
Additional repairs
needed to complete the repair that were not identified on the original
Tack rag
Cotton fabric,
such as cheesecloth, lightly impregnated with a resin, used to remove dust
from a surface after rubbing down and prior to further painting. Tack rags
should be stored in an airtight container to conserve their tackiness.
Tape marking
The imprint caused
by applying masking tape on to a newly-applied paint film before it has
time to harden.
A blend of volatile
organic solvents added to the paint to reduce it to the correct viscosity
for application.
Three Coat color
A topcoat color
which consists of 3 parts, a basecoat, a midcoat and a clear.
Alternate Term(s):
Tint and Blend
The process of
mixing toners to match the existing paint finish, then blending or overlapping
the color into the adjacent panel to avoid color match problems.
Any colored pigment
or paint mixture used to make small adjustments in color, or to the mix
the color in the first place from a mixing scheme.
Alternate Term(s):
Base color
Top coat
The final layers
of a coating system whose role is primarily decorative. However the topcoat
often imparts protection to ultra violet light present in sunlight.
A localized repair
usually confined to the smallest area possible (for example, repairs due
to stone chips damage).
A paint or lacquer
supplied in two parts which must be mixed together in the correct proportions
before use. The mixture will then remain usable for a limited period only.
U.V. Absorbers
Chemicals added
to paint to absorb Ultraviolet radiation present in sunlight.
Ultra Violet
That portion of
the spectrum which is largely responsible for the degradation of paint
films. Invisible to the eye, causes sunburn.
A first coat; primer,
sealer or surfacer.
The structural
support found in most late model vehicles.
Acronym for Vehicle
Identification Number. This is a unique number that identifies your vehicle.
Although its primary purpose is to identify your vehicle, it often contains
important information concerning the equipment and options that were installed
on your vehicle at the factory. This information allows the Repair Center
to order the correct parts for your vehicle. Any professional estimate
or Repair Order will have this number on it.
